Every day researchers are learning that there are ways in which people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) can enhance their quality of life and build strength, flexibility, and speed. The Freudenthal Center For Parkinson’s offers FREE programs designed to help fight the effects of PD. We utilize multiple exercises and other therapies to help PD Patients to recalibrate their bodies to maximize movement, slowing the debilitation brought on by PD. People living with PD or other neurological conditions often move differently, with gestures and actions that become smaller and slower. This training can improve movements for any activity, whether “small motor” tasks like buttoning a shirt or “large motor” tasks like getting up from a sofa or chair or maintaining balance while walking.

Class Schedule
& Event Calendar
@ 10:00 am - Coffee Chat
@ 11:00 am - FitBoxing
@ 4:30 pm - FitBoxing
@ 1:00 pm - BAM!
@ 2:00 pm - Cycling Program
@ 10:00 am - Loud Crowd*
Support Group
Second Monday of Every Month Immediately Following Boxing
*Loud Crowd is only for those who have completed the Speak Out Program. Ask Stephanie for more information.

Support Group
Many people find that support groups are tremendously effective in helping them cope with the day-to-day realities of having Parkinson's disease. We meet every month allowing our community to come together to support each other and hear talks on Parkinson’s topics from area professionals.

Big Amplitude Movement - BAM!
This treatment improves walking, self-care, and other tasks by helping people “recalibrate” how they perceive their movements with what others actually see. It also teaches them how and when to apply extra effort to produce bigger motions – more like the movements of everyone around them.
FCPD is a 501c3 non-profit organization that provides all of its services for FREE to people with PD. This means that all of our funding has to come from donations, grants, gifts, or fundraising – it also means we definitely need your donations to help pay for things like new equipment and rent for the facility. You can become a monthly donor for any amount.

FitBoxing Exercises
Parkinson’s causes a loss in many of the same elements that boxers train to improve. Published medical research has shown that forced, intense exercise can reduce, reverse and even delay Parkinson’s symptoms. With this training a diversity of symptoms can be addressed simultaneously.

Cycling Program
Parkinson’s research studies have shown that many people have experienced significant benefits from cycling on a regular basis. Depending upon pace and intensity, cycling has been shown to improve overall motor function, reduce tremors, reduce bradykinesia, rigidity, and improve other symptoms. Plus, it’s a great way to have fun with your friends.
Copyright © 2021 Freudenthal Home-Based Healthcare | 2425 N. Woodbine Rd., Suite A, St. Joseph, MO 64506
Freudenthal Home-Based Healthcare does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, or age on admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services, or in employment.