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Laura Hughes: Celebrating 100 years of Aging Well!

Josh Fultz

Updated: May 3, 2024

Laura Hughes

April's Aging Well Award Winner is Laura Hughes! Over those 100 years she has seen a lot of change in her hometown St. Joseph, Missouri. Laura grew up in a relatively large family of ten and then went on to raise her own family of five children in the same hometown. She raised her family with the same strong Christian faith that she knew and loved growing up. She even spent a number of years as a Sunday School teacher at St. Francis Baptist Temple. When asked how many kids she taught over the years, she said, "I can't even know. There were so many, but they was good kids!" Her children and so many others are very grateful for the faith and life lessons she has passed on to them.

Laura Hughes you may be celebrating 100 years of life, but we're celebrating your gift to our community!

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